
Core Research

An exploration into trending data oracle, Pyth Network.

What is Pyth? Pyth is a blockchain oracle that allows users to access prices for cryptocurrencies, real-world equities, and more. The site offers price feeds, which publish the price of an investment option within a given confidence interval.  Both the price and the confidence interval are a time-weighted aggregate of Pyth’s individual publishers’ data. These […]
Following the immense popularity of Metaverse, the term ‘Web 3.0’ is being promoted as the next generation of mainstream. At a glance, the concept of Web3 trumpets decentralized technologies and the next phase of the Internet. Web 1.0 was the era of decentralized, open protocols whereby users navigate through individually static web pages. Web 2.0, […]
Here are the 10 terms you should know. Blockchain Like traditional accounting, every cryptocurrency transaction is processed, verified and recorded on a ledger known as a blockchain. Each transaction recorded on the blockchain is timestamped, individually encrypted and cannot be reversed or changed. Blockchains are decentralised, meaning that they exist on computers all over the […]
In simple terms, ‘metaverse’ refers to a virtual world that lies beyond, on top of, or is an extension of the physical world. The idea of a metaverse was coined in 1992 by dystopian sci-fi writer Neal Stephenson. Fast forward two decades later, the world is crazed with the idea, extending implications for cryptocurrencies, NFTs, […]
One of the benefits of cryptocurrency lies in its transparency. Given that most blockchains are entirely open-source software, anyone can view its code -- and inspect the holdings of any wallet address. Since its inception, cryptocurrency has given birth to ‘crypto-millionaires’. Early adopters who held on to Bitcoin have risen to be the wealthiest individuals […]
The total amount of transactions for personal finance in 2019 was worth upwards of $1trillion. The market’s largest segment is that of robo-advisors, with total assets under management at $980,541m. The idea of implementing AI in finance is not new. Financial institutions have adopted AI technology from years back, from simple chatbots to more complex […]
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